We know we're really int his when we get a killer write-up like the one below. The R2AK crew are well-known for their pithy word-smithing and we're stoked to see our crew in print. See it for 'real' on the website, or read on below... Team members: Kelsey Fletcher, Jess Bossert, Colin Fletcher, Jennifer Vincent
Hometown: Brentwood Bay, BC, Canada Race vessel: C&C 25 LOA: 25′ Human propulsion: Pedal power Connect: facebook, instagram How late is “fashionably late?” From the 30 seconds we’ve thought about this, it seems like it’s a standard that is both situational and a moving target—job interview: zero minutes; party where you are the guest of honor: 27 minutes; party where you should have been the guest of honor: drunk, loud and 40 minutes; menstrual cycle (if you’re trying): 10-ish months; if you aren’t: zero minutes. You could also deconstruct the whole thing into its literal sub-components and declare that fashionably late really meant being both fashionable and late: missing the bus while wearing a tux; returning library books from last year in a tiara; getting a “+” on the pee strip in your Vera Wang. Somewhere between the high couture pregnancy test and the truth, Team Fashionably Late found a crew, chose a name, and committed to running the Race to Alaska with the faith that whatever write up they got would have happened sooner and been better than this. Facts are like guests of honor here in the R2AK bio writing bunker, and two paragraphs in seems about the right timing given their self-chosen moniker and the logic model we laid out in the last paragraph. Open the door, and all heads turn as the facts walk in arm-linked and slo-mo sexy. Here’s what we know: the crew of Team Fashionably Late might have waited until they were good and ready, but they assembled a crack crew who they describe as “two very experienced sailors, one moderately experienced sailor, and an attractive piece of rail meat.” We’ll let them fight it out to claim the last title, but their collective resumes include the full breadth of mountain exploits, open water swimming, lifeguarding, long trips in and around the ability to carry chicken feed in large quantities, pouring concrete, and… wait for it… sailing; small boats, big boats, up and down the lower portion of the Inside Passage, and as distant as the Galapagos. Their boat is a C&C 25, a modestly sized monohull roughly the same age as the crew onboard. C&Cs are known for their ability to show up at the finish line whenever it damn well pleases. While we didn’t ask them their plan, given their name we expect them in Ketchikan sometime after the starting gun, but before the Sweep Boat, at a time of day designed to make the most of the entrance. Heavy hint: in our minds fashionably late arrival means it’s still daylight. Welcome to the R2AK, Team Fashionably Late. We may call you many things. We will not, absolutely not, call you late for dinner.